How to upload a post on elAbogado?

Uploading publications to your profile is very easy and also very useful. Simply, you can post as many publications as you want. We explain step by step how to do it, but first we want to highlight why it is positive for your positioning to write these publications.

Why is it positive to make publications on your profile?

  • We live in the era of internet content: users seek to clarify doubts on the web and value very positively those sources that provide useful answers. That is why if you write and publish useful content, users will see you as an expert source in your field, gaining reputation and increasing the chances that they will contact you to request your services.
  • Publications will give you more visibility on elAbogado's website: in addition to appearing on your profile, as if it were your blog, publications are promoted on the main page of your city and practice area, so your profile will be more visible to users.
  • Publications that address current topics and those of greater interest to users will also be shared on our social networks, reaching a greater number of potential clients.
  • All this visibility will allow you to promote your profile more and increase the chances of receiving more potential clients.

How do I make a publication?

The process is really easy. We explain it step by step:

Go to your management panel and select the Profile > Content > Publications section.

On your publications page, click on Add Publication.

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