How to make my account profitable on elAbogado?
How to make my account profitable on elAbogado?
elAbogado is not a directory of free consultations. Thousands of lawyers generate clients from elAbogado. When a lawyer tells us that elAbogado is not profitable for them, we recommend doing the following:
- Review the specialties and sub-specialties in the pay per lead section: We do not recommend having more than 3 specialties. Lawyers who have 2 or 3 specialties achieve greater profitability.
It is important to keep in mind that each specialty includes many sub-specialties. If you do not want to receive lead from certain sub-specialties, we recommend that instead of marking the general specialty (for example, Civil), you choose one by one the sub-specialties within civil that do interest you.
Do not mark specialties that you do not know much about. Surely there are specialist lawyers in that area who will be able to better serve the lead.
Set a recommended price for each specialty and choose the geographical area that suits you best. Keep in mind that you can assign a different price per lead depending on the specialty.
Before evaluating your investment, generate at least 10 lead for a specialty. Our data shows that typically out of every 10 lead, 2 or 3 become clients for the firm. There are exceptions with a conversion of up to 5 or 6 clients, usually for those who follow our suggestions.
- Actively manage lead: Install the elAbogado application and contact lead quickly, as lawyers who call early convert much more. Try to schedule a meeting with the lead in your office. Before the meeting, call to remind them of the appointment. Lawyers convert more when they have the lead in their office.
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How do lawyers get more clients online?
After more than 15 years generating clients online, there are some basic things that all lawyers who do well online do. What do lawyers do who get clients online?
They choose few specialties. Stick to your area of expertise. Choose a maximum of 2 or 3 specialties in which you are an expert. Would you trust a doctor who says they can operate on your heart, do a good dental filling, and also do plastic surgery?... probably not. The same goes for lawyers. Clients looking for a lawyer want a specialist, not a lawyer who knows a little about many things.
They respond quickly to clients. A lawyer who does not respond quickly is a bad sign. Lawyers who contact lead quickly have a higher percentage of generating clients. To do this well, a recommendation is to have the elAbogado app installed.
They measure ROI. First, they invest money, such as having a campaign on elAbogado, to get clients. Then, they calculate if the investment is profitable. To calculate the ROI (Return On Investment), you have to add up everything you have earned from clients and subtract the amount invested. Here we explain more about how to calculate it.
What lawyers who get clients online do NOT do:
- They do not wait for lead to call them. They always make the call.
- They are not short-sighted. They do not expect to make money with the first lead; they learn and improve.
- They do not pretend to know everything.