How does elAbogado work?

At elAbogado, we help lawyers obtain contacts from lead.

How do we do it?

We generate verified lead contacts, from individuals or companies who need a lawyer. Every day, hundreds of people search for their lawyer on elAbogado. To ensure quality, our legal team calls each lead to verify:

That their data is correct.

That they need a paid lawyer (we make it clear that the lawyers in the directory do not provide free consultations or visits, as they are private professionals who charge for their services).

What legal specialty they need a lawyer for.

Once we have verified this information, we allow the lead to contact a maximum of 2* lawyers from our directory.

If no lawyer has contacted the lead after 24 hours, elAbogado may make arrangements to facilitate another contact with an additional lawyer.

Our legal team verifies each contact

When a lawyer receives a contact from a lead, we have already spoken with that user to confirm their data, verify the specialty for which they need a lawyer, and confirm that they actually need to hire the services of a private lawyer, informing them that the lawyers registered in elAbogado do not provide free information over the phone. Here we explain more about what a lead is.

Is there a cost to having a profile on elAbogado?

Registering on elAbogado is free, and if a user contacts you directly, you will not have to pay anything.

Additionally, if you wish, you can activate payment per lead, which means having many more possibilities of receiving lead, since your profile will be better positioned. In this case, you will pay for each verified lead contact you receive (payment per lead contact), at the price you have established for each specialty. Discover here how to register on elAbogado.

Thousands of lawyers generate clients every month from elAbogado.

How many lawyers can receive the same lead?

At elAbogado, it is the user who decides how many lawyers they want to contact. However, we only allow the same lead to contact a maximum of 2 lawyers. On average, each lead decides to contact 1.7 lawyers on the platform: this means that sometimes only you will be contacted, and other times you will see that, in addition to talking to you, they have also contacted another lawyer in our directory, but no more. To get the best results, you should try to call the lead immediately after receiving the contact, thus avoiding this user contacting another lawyer, either within our directory or even outside of it.

Of the verified contacts you receive, some will hire your services and others will not

Not all lead you receive will hire your services. When you activate payment per lead, be patient and wait to receive several contacts in order to analyze profitability. Do not analyze it with the first two or three contacts you receive, as it will not be representative. Wait to have at least 10 contacts. Remember to follow our personalized suggestions to get the most out of your account.

Our recommendation is that you follow best practices and perform a profitability analysis every month. Remember that we do not have fixed fees or commitments, so you can modify or pause your specialties whenever you want. Here we explain how to calculate profitability.


elAbogado has its own technology developed to help as many people as possible find a good lawyer. To learn more about elAbogado's technology, here are some facts.

elAbogado is the leader in obtaining clients for lawyers. We help individuals, professionals, and companies that need a lawyer to find the specialist lawyer they need in their city and put them in touch with a lawyer.

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